“I always use proven strategies that continue to get my clients the results they want. My real world approach integrates your unique WHOLE body and lifestyle using UP-TO-DATE, research-based techniques. One size DOES NOT fit all, so I customize my programs to you individually, so you get the BEST results possible for YOUR body and life.”
~ Anna Price
First Session
Your first coaching experience.
- You need a boost of inspiration, solid information and good planning to start moving your body and life in the direction you want it to go. Over FaceTime, Skype/Zoom, phone or in person (in Los Angeles).
Cost: $350
8 Days To Vitality
8 Day Kickstart To Burn Fat, Start To Connect To Your True Power, and Re-energize Your Life!
8 Time Efficient Workouts – 20 minute workouts that will burn fat, build lean muscle, and re-energize you.
8 Self-Empowerment Exercises – each self-empowerment topic will be introduced to you at the beginning of each workout. This is the foundation to living a happy, fulfilled life: the power of self-acceptance and self-love are the real muscles you need to train to get the body and life you want.
Food, Sleep, Stress
8 “Fat Burning Plate” Guidelines to maximize your results. I will show you pictures of my own plates, how I shopped for and prepared the meals, how long it took. You will learn how to shop for healthy fat burning delicious meals that are FAST and Reasonably priced. You will take pictures of your plates and text them to me. I will make some tweaks, make sure the changes are doable for you and that you still love your meals. My clients and I like to eat food that tastes good, and we NEVER feel hungry or deprived. I recommend healthy snacks and meal alternatives, like my delicious go to chocolate chip cookie dough and vanilla bulletproof bars
8 Day Sleep To Slim Guide – Create sleep and recovery rituals that will build your body, not break it down, support your fitness/fat loss efforts and success in life. Incorporate daily stillness, days off of exercise and strict eating plans. Understand the relationship between sleep deprivation, stauled fat loss, decreased vitality and a lower quality of life. We won’t let all your hard work go to waste!
For BEST results follow this program exactly as it’s laid out.
Your Schedule – 8 Days Straight
Day 1
Workout: Bodyweight High Intensity Intervals (cardiovascular+metabolic training)
Work-in: The Power of “Why”
Benefit: Connect to the deeper WHY health and self-empowerment is important to YOU, so it pulls you through the tough moments
Day 2
Workout: Pilates and Fitness Based Core Training.
Work-in: The Power of Needs and Values
Benefit: When you know your top core needs and values, and practice them daily, you experience true happiness
Day 3
Workout: Dance EFF (Emotional Freedom Flow)
Work-in: The Power of Eliminating Tolerations
Benefit: When you eliminate your top 7 tolerations you re-energize your life, create certainty and flow
Day 4
Workout: Weighted High Intensity Intervals (weights, bands)
Work-in: The Power of Presence
Benefit: When you pay attention to the present, you connect to your true nature
Day 5
Workout: Dance EFF —no dance training required, this is about using movement to have fun, to free your emotions and create flow
Work-in: The Power of Pleasure
Benefit: We make moving fun, create a space to express your thoughts/feelings freely, so you associate pleasure with exercise and self expression, not pain
Day 6
Workout: Weighted High Intensity Intervals (weights, bands)
Work-in: The Power of Pattern Language
Day 7
Workout: 20 Minute Light Walk, 10 Minute mobility/flexibility (balls/rollers)
Work-in: Short Audio Of Me In Your Ear: The Power of Pain
Benefit: Pain is your friend, you are safe to surrender to it, and it will set you free
Day 8
Workout: Bodyweight High Intensity Intervals
Work-in: The Power of Environments
Benefits: Your environments always win. So choose them wisely
Cost: $700
8 Weeks To Vitality
8 Week Step-by-Step Plan to get you the body and life you want
(We Build Your Physical and Emotional Muscle….Because Exercising and Eating Right Isn’t Enough).
You can keep coming back to these steps over and over again, until the practices, principles and behaviors become a natural part of who you are and the way you live (what I call “effortless effort”).
DEEP DIVE INTO EACH WORKOUT – A wider variety of exercises and video lengths (10,20,40,60 min), a more extensive whole food nutrition, exercise and lifestyle video library.
Week 1 – The Power of NOW. What is your BIG WHY? – Why is it important to change your body and life right now? Has to be big enough to carry you through the challenges.
Week 2 – The Power Of Core Needs and Values. We identify them, and connect your daily thoughts, feelings and actions to your top 3 values. We change your beliefs and create flow.
Week 3 – The Power Of Pain. How going right into your pain (instead of avoiding it) will make it disappear.
Week 4 – The Power Of Pleasure. Identify what pleasure means to you, how to incorporate it into your life and how to ask people how to please you.
Week 5 – The Power Of Patterns. How to identify old limiting beliefs/patterns and break them.
Week 6 – The Power of Practice. How to condition new empowering beliefs, behaviors and habits.
Week 7 – The Power of Attention. How to re-direct from dwelling to doing.
Week 8 – The Power of Environments. Identify your 5 environments, rate each one, then work towards creating a 10 in each one, for lasting change.
Cost: $2,000
1-1 Exclusive Body and Self-Care Coaching
Weekly Calls To Keep You On Track Long-Term, To Inspire and Support You and To Challenge You.
- 1 Weekly Call Or Visit
- Coach On Call: Unlimited Access To Me Via Text, Email, Phone, Zoom/Skype Between Sessions.
- Initial 3 Month Commitment Required, $1,000/Month Ongoing.
Cost: $3,000
Coach On Call
You call me when you’re about to “fall off the wagon,” or do something that will compromise the commitment and high standard you’ve set for the body and life you deserve. Included in 1-1 Exclusive Body and Self-Care Coaching, and 8 Weeks To Vitality Program
Complimentary Body Discovery
We discover your unique needs, then explore if, or how, I can best serve you.
Before we jump on the phone, first, ask yourself this question: ”What do I want to gain from this call with Anna?” Fast forward to the end of your conversation with me, what would make you say: “I found that valualbe and definitley worth my time.” Write your answer in the message box here, and I’ll let you know if I can deliver that to you.
Here’s a peek at some of the body and self-care success strategies I’ve used to
get my clients quick results that last.
Start applying these into your own life right away, and you’ll be AMAZED at your results!
9 Areas Of Wealth
2023 is in full swing, if you started the year strong and now losing steam, this is for you. Are you losing momentum and starting to revert to old habits and patterns that aren’t serving your goals or highest good? Keep reading. It’s not uncommon for you to stop...
7 Hormones You Need For Fat Loss
As you already know, my motto is: “Focus On Whole Health, Not Just Fitness.” Jumping right into a fitness routine without assessing and treating your overall health will lead to weight you can’t lose, and chronic illness. You will treat the symptoms of weight gain...
What Does It Mean To Be Strong? The state or quality of being physically or mentally strong. The ability to withstand or exert great force, stress, or pressure. When a specific activity stimulates a positive physiological adaptation that enhances overall...